Skin made of Metals, Bones made of Mystery, Spirit filled with Secrets;
It's language is pure Music, and it sings of Love
The hand-held, self-playing musical instruments - each with its own unique song! SongPods™ are tear-drop shaped to fit the human palm. When gently shaken - Songpods™ produce a serene echoing ring and lingering vibration that soothes the spirit. Turning them over, near your ears, SongPods sing like a tinkling wind chime in a private breeze. CLACKING them together, or on any hard surface, and another ‘voice’ is heard as they sing aloud in echoing antiquity! Unbreakable – their music transcends all time and endures all adventures!
SongPods™ are used in health care facilities, for autistic children, older adults and in numerous therapy modalities. They are also used by massage therapists and Reiki practitioners. For over a quarter century, people on all 7 continents and from all walks of life have been enjoying SongPods’ harmonies!
SongPods are “serving in ways I never dreamed, touching lives I’ve never known and traversing lands I’ll never see…how blessed I am to have been entrusted with their launch into this tangible world!”
How to Play A SongPod™...or Two!!
1. ENJOY! The Shape and Texture - the gentle purring crystal chimes forever sealed within. Roll it between your hands.
2. SHAKE! And place the ‘Pod by one ear, then the other. Feel as well as hear the musical vibrations.
3. CLACK! On a hard surface such as a book or protected table, THEN raise it to one ear, then the other.
4. SHAKE TWO PODS!! And cup them in both hands. Feel the purring crystals run through the network of your own polarity.
5. SHAKE BOTH PODS AGAIN!! And place them by BOTH ears at the same time - for a stereo "BLISSING!"
6. CLACK TWO PODS TOGETHER!! And place them next to each ear so BOTH HEMISPHERES of your brain can "BLISS" together!!
7. CLACK TWO OR MORE PODS TOGETHER!!! Then place them where they want to go! Absorb the gifts of ancient crystals, meteorites, magic and more...
8. HOW TO GIFT ANOTHER WITH AN 'EARGASM' – CLACK TWO PODS then touch each Pod to a lucky Friend’s two pinky fingertips ... letting their body absorb the vibrations ... and CLACK again, then place each 'POD on the pads of the ring fingers ... repeat for all fingers and thumbs, enjoying the exchange of mutual “blissing”....Then CLACK again and place each 'POD into their waiting palms ... and watch them s-m-i-l-e ... you may have just lost your pair of Song-Pods! - (I’ll make more) - and gained a Friend for Life!
9. MASSAGE THERAPISTS also SHAKE and CLACK ‘PODS and place them along the spine, soles of feet, backs of knees, etc.
10. PEOPLE in TENSION-CAUSING JOBS often take a 'Pod-break' and simply ‘shake them silly’ until their stress dissipates with the gently waning echoes.
11. When working with INFANTS and TODDLERS Therapists place 'Pods in a soft clean pouch or cotton sock, to protect tiny teeth from testing metal and tasting the tung-oil finish.
CARE & FEEDING: SongPods need little care – an occasional light coat of Homer Formby Low Gloss Tung Oil Finish will protect your Pods from acidic hands & environmental oxidation – or let their patina age gracefully!
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Shipping to the USA varies from state to state and can range from $23 and up. Please call or send us your town, state and zip code and we will give you an accurate rate.