14" F3 Crystal Singing Bowl
14" F3 is a thin walled bowl. It is nice if you want to get the bowl to sing and then let it ring out. However, if you plan to keep your mallet on it, and play it like a drone, then you might want to consider the 16" or 18" F3 when available. The thin wall leads to the mallet chattering from the vibration of the bowl.
So why do we sell 14" F3 singing bowls? The problem is that it is a challenge to source perfect pitch 16" or 18" F3 crystal singing bowls. For those who like to let the bowl sing out on it's own, this is a perfect way to have the low F3 tone.
If you decide you like the deeper tones of the F3, you might consider adding A#3 for grounding tones (Perfect 4th), C4 for total relaxation (Perfect 5th) or D4 for expanding tones (Major 6th).
Not sure what note is the lowest in the third octave?
This is the order of the crystal singing bowls, lowest to highest in the third octave. C3, C#3, D3, D#3, E3, F3, F#3, G3, G#3, A3, A#3, B3